About China 关于中国

China is one of the largest countries in the world, with a total area of ten million square kilometers, of 7% of the land surface of the planet. It’s huge country of great extremes, from the world’s highest peak of Everest at 8848m to one of the world’s lowest land points, at -155m in the Turpan basin, and from the permafrost of the extreme north to the tropical seas of the extreme south. Habitats include forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.




This great diversity of habitats, together with China’s large size, give rise to a great richness of biological diversity. China is ranked third richest country in the world in terms of its species – a remarkable state for a largely temperate land mass. In terms of birds, this richness is shown in over 1.400 species recorded from the country, including some of the most spectacular and fascinating birds in the world.


     如此多样性的生境造就了辽阔的中国国土面积,也保持了极度丰富的生物多样性。中国名列世界第三生物多样性最丰富的国家, 其中最引人注目的是中国记录有超过1400种野生鸟类,包含一些最迷人和令人叹奇的种类。


China also, however, has a huge human population of 1.3 billion, mostly in the eastern half of the country, and pressure on natural habitats is very severe. Many wild species are threatened with extinction, while others are rare or restricted to very small distributions. Conservation of the remaining habitats of these species is urgent, but difficult. The Chinese government is, however, well aware of the importance of the task and has set aside over 2,000 areas as nature reserves, with more planned.



Liaoning 辽宁 | Jilin 吉林 | Heilongjiang  黑龙江

Beijing 北京 | Tianjin 天津 | Hebei 河北 | shanxi 山西 | Inner Mongolia 内蒙古

Shannxi 陕西 | Gansu 甘肃 | Qinghai 青海 | Ningxia 宁夏 | Xinjiang 新疆

Henan 河南 | Hubei  湖北 | Hunan 湖南 | Jiangxi 江西

Shandong 山东 | Jiangsu 江苏 | Anhui  安徽 | Zhejiang 浙江
  Fujian 福建 | Shanghai 上海 | Taiwan 台湾

Guangxi 广西 | Guangdong 广东 | Hainan 海南 | Hong Kong 香港 | Macao 澳门

Sichuan 四川 | Chongqing 重庆 | Yunnan 云南 | Guizhou 贵州 | Tibet 西藏