Shanghai Birding

Shanghai is the biggest city in the world, where is more than 25,000,000 people living here.  With its commanding position in the middle of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Shanghai still hold many species, 501species of birds was record here. Especially during migration season, many migration birds are pass throught Shanghai. Urban parks offers excellent birding for the passeriformes. And the wetland near the coastal is also providing a refuge for the wintering waterfowl.

Cape Nanhui

The best birding site in Shanghai. The magic forests along the seawall are full of migrtion forest birds during the migration season. The ponds and the paddy fields are providing a roosting area for the waders, ducks and other waterfowls and openfield birds.

Xiaoyangshan Island

Actually belongs to Zhejiang Province, where is locatied in SE Shanghai. Similar as Nanhui, many migrating passerines during the spring and autumn.

Chongming Island

The third largest island in China, located in the east estuary of the Yangtze River. Good as Nanhui, but some areas are limited visit. More than 100 Hooded and other cranes wintering in Chongming Dongtan NNR.

Century Park

The best birding spots in the downtown, where can offer the excellent birding and is easily accessible on Metro Line 2. There's one Black-throated Loon was wintering here in 2018.

Binjiang Forest Park


Paotaiwan Wetland Forest Park

Those two parks are in the different side of Huangpu River. Both are good for the winter birds, such as thrushes, buntings, Yellow-bellied Tit, Pallas's Leaf Warbler etc.

Tianma Mountain

It’s the highest hill of Shanghai( 100 meters ). This hill is densely forested with a series of paths suitable for walking or running, where can find some different forest birds in Shanghai.